One of the few things I've accomplished with this blog, apart from
keeping notes on what's going on in my life, was when I pointed out
a photo on the London Times was smearing the Marines involved in
the Haditha incident, a photo which showed a row of dead people executed
by insurgents was included in a story about the Haditha Marines implying
that the civilians killed were executed against a wall. Since that was the
one time my readership spiked above one (Hi Bro!), I've followed the Haditha
story closely.
Allah now links to a story that supports even better the Marines' version
of events, the Haditha attack was planned by AQ to take place from amongst
civilians. Then a followup disinformation campaign by the insurgents that
was accepted by the gullible press changed this incident from unfortunate
collateral damage that occured while the Marines assaulted a house to a massacre.